This connector is used for connecting the street light insulated conductors to the low voltage A.B.C. (Aerial Bundled Conductors).
- Insulation piercing is carried out on the main and tap conductors simultaneously in a single tightening operation.
- The dielectric strength in water is greater than 6kV.
- The tightening screw is potential free.
- Tightening efficiency is ensured by a shear head screw.
- The connector end cap is flexible so that to feel good tap conductor insertion simply by hand. It is glued on connector body or interdependent on watertightness, so that to avoid eventual loss during handling, installation and environment (wind, wild life...).
- This connector meets the criteria of NF C 33-020 and EN 50-483.
Certificate of Product Acceptance:
- Based on the assessment by TNB Labs Sdn Bhd. , the above equipment has complied with the specified requirements of TNB Technichal Specification and is hereby accepted for use in the TNB system.
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